Stories from the Dixie House: Veronika's Orb

Written by: Ghost Augustine


Stories from the Dixie House: Veronika’s Orb

Did you know we have our own haunted house you can investigate? There’s always something going on at our haunted Dixie House!

The Story

It had so far been a quiet evening at the Dixie House, the atmosphere calm and undisturbed. Veronika, one of our investigators, had been guiding her group for an Everdark Express while they explored the haunted house.

As the group prepared to wrap up, one guest stepped away to use the bathroom. Veronika stayed near the camera equipment with another guest, chatting as she reviewed the evening’s footage.Then something interesting had caught her eye.

One of the cameras was aimed at the room known as the Powder Room, a room with a history of strange occurrences. Veronika’s eyes caught movement on the monitor, and noticed a strange orb. This wasn’t the typical fleeting, translucent orb that investigators often capture. This one seemed to rise through the floor of the Powder Room. It moved slowly, purposefully, and deliberately.

What are orbs?

Most orbs captured are reflections of dust particles, insects, or lens flare.These behave in specific but identifiable ways- dust particles have a lazy drifting, purposeless direction, and are accompanied by dozens of other similar orbs around it. Insects are erratic and flitting, with a less than perfectly spherical shape to account for the wings. And lens flare is accompanied by a direct light source. None of these seem to apply to this specific orb.

Importance of orbs

Spirits can appear as orb like balls of energy, and are one of the more common sightings of the paranormal, but also one of the most easily debunked. However, this does not mean that all orbs are explainable. The paranormal can sometimes express itself in subtle ways, which is why it’s important to carefully review each and every piece of evidence as possible paranormal evidence.

Equipment is key

If you are unsure about if the space you are investigating could have dust or orbs, we recommend a Particle Counter to see exactly how much dust is in the air. This can help you determine if the orbs you capture are dust or something else. If you wanted to capture photographic evidence of your own, pick up a Kodak camera to add to your paranormal arsenal. We at Ghost Hunters Equipment offer the very best for your investigations!

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