Today we flashback to our winner of June 2023 ParaPic contest!
In June of 2023, Denise Scangarello joined us for a Deadwalk. While passing by a seemingly ordinary home on the scenic Marine Street, she listened to the story of Athalia Ponsell Lindsley, who was murdered in cold blood on the front steps of her home. The unsolved murder caused a roaring scandal, and is still one of the most talked about, infamous crimes in modern St. Augustine history. While listening to the tale, Denise snapped a photo of the home, thinking about what a sad story Athalia had, and how it was nice that she was never forgotten.
Later when browsing the photos of her trip, she spotted something in the photo of the home:

Take a closer look, in a side by side of Athalia when she was alive:

The photo on the right is of a young Athalia. Denise’s photo shows the face of a young woman, greatly resembling that of a younger Athalia. It also looks in the paranormal photo as her body is covered - like a sheet - as in the crime scene photo. The angle of the body also corresponds with the crime scene photo.
Interested in joining the contest for yourself? Check out the rules here and see if you can capture a spirit AND a great prize!