Laxton Ghost Sweden visited the Dixie House 1 year ago!

We can’t believe it’s been a year since Laxton Ghost Sweden has visited the haunted Dixie House!

Laxton Ghost Sweden is one of the most well-known ghost-hunting groups globally. They have gained popularity for investigating paranormal activities and sharing their findings through various platforms, including YouTube. The group has explored several haunted locations in Sweden and other countries, including our Dixie House.

Laxton Ghost Sweden is known for using scientific methods and ghost-hunting equipment such as K2 meters, SB7 spirit boxes, and REM Pods to communicate with spirits. They document their investigations and share their experiences, which have attracted a large following among paranormal enthusiasts.

During their investigation of the Dixie House, Laxton’s crew employed the Estes Method- a method of using spirit boxes such as the SB7 or SB11 for EVP work. The Estes Method enhances EVP work by having two people participate- one person asks questions to the spirit, while the other person wearing headphones connected to a spirit box and often wearing blindfolds, concentrates on the answers coming through. This sensory deprivation enhances investigations by increasing focus on intelligent spirit responses.

You can see the Estes Method in action in the video below at the 51 minute mark:

Would you like to try the Estes Method yourself? Grab a friend, some blindfolds, an SB7, a voice recorder, and your best headphones, and give it a try!

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